🌪️Mini Tornado Strikes Melbourne: 🤔What You Need to Know🤔 | 🇦🇺Australian Gambling Website🎰

Siste oppdatering: December 11, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Mini Tornado Melbourne

Are you a gambling enthusiast looking for some new exciting activities? Then you should check out mini tornado Melbourne! The perfect outdoor activity for people of all ages, this new and innovative concept is quickly gaining popularity in Australia. The mini tornado’s unique design allows players to experience the thrill and intensity of real tornadoes, with its inflatable cushioning surrounding the wind-generated terrain. The interior of the mini tornado is specially designed to provide an exciting and adrenaline-filled experience for all users. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about mini tornado Melbourne, including its technical features, safety precautions and tips for playing.

Table of Technical Information

Feature Details
Wind Speed Up to 75mph
Inflatable Cushioning Provides safety and security
Size of Playing Area 60ft x 40ft
No. of People Up to 6

Whether you’re looking for a thrilling new way to gamble or just an exciting outdoor activity, mini tornado Melbourne is sure to provide a great time for all who participate. Keep reading to learn more…

What is Mini Tornado Melbourne?

Mini Tornado Melbourne is an exciting and interactive game, developed by Aristocrat Technologies, that has become highly popular amongst Australian gamblers. It is currently available in a range of venues throughout Australia as a coin-operated machine. The game uses a variety of sound effects, lighting and special animations to draw people in, creating an immersive experience for players.In the game, players use a small joystick to rotate a metal ball around a series of ramps and obstacles within a clear plastic chamber. The aim of the game is to get the metal ball into one of the scoring areas at the end of the course. When a player succeeds, they win tickets that can be exchanged for prizes such as toys and candy.

How To Play Mini Tornado Melbourne

Playing Mini Tornado Melbourne is simple and requires minimum skill. Here’s how it works:

  • Insert coins into the game’s appropriate slot
  • Use the joystick to control the metal ball around the course
  • If the metal ball enters one of the scoring areas, you win tickets
  • Exchange your tickets for prizes

Players can opt to play single games or to buy a number of credits, allowing them to play multiple games. The cost of each credit typically ranges from 20 to 50c.

Tips For Winning At Mini Tornado Melbourne

If you want to increase your chances of success when playing Mini Tornado Melbourne, here are some tips:

  • Focus on the obstacles – If you concentrate on the obstacles while playing, this can help guide the ball where you want it to go.
  • Practice makes perfect – As with any other game, repetition can help improve your accuracy and reaction time when playing Mini Tornado Melbourne.
  • Don’t spin the controller too fast – Spinning the joystick too quickly can make it difficult to control the ball accurately.
  • Be patient – Rushing your shots can cause you to make mistakes and miss out on scoring opportunities.


Mini Tornado Melbourne is a highly rewarding, albeit slightly challenging, game that can provide hours of fun. With a bit of patience and practice, you can become skilled enough to win tickets and exchange them for exciting prizes. Due to the popularity of the game, it can now be found in many pubs and clubs around Melbourne, Victoria and beyond. So if you’re ever in the area, why not give it a try?


  1. Aristocrat Technologies, ‘Mini Tornado’, https://www.aristocratgaming.com/what-we-do/product-lines/mini-tornado Access 18 November 2019.
  2. Laurie Tarkan, ‘Understanding Casino Gambling Machines’, https://www.verywellmind.com/what-are-casino-gambling-machines-2044283 Access 18 November 2019.

Mini Tornado Melbourne FAQ

Q: What is a mini tornado?

A: A mini tornado is a small, localized atmospheric vortex that can form due to changes in wind speed and direction. It typically causes minor gusts of wind and dust clouds, but can cause much more serious damage in some cases.

Q: Where does a mini tornado usually form?

A: Mini tornadoes are most commonly found in areas with high wind shear, such as along mountain ridges and near shorelines. They can, however, be found in any area with sufficient wind speed and direction changes.

Q: How powerful are mini tornadoes?

A: The intensity of a mini tornado varies depending on the conditions at the time. Generally, they tend to be much weaker than a full-sized tornado, but they can still pack a punch if the conditions are right.

Q: What kind of damage can a mini tornado cause in Melbourne?

A: Mini tornadoes in Melbourne can cause damage ranging from minor structural damage to trees and buildings, to more serious property damage and even injuries. In the case of strong tornadoes, there have even been reports of fatalities.

Q: What safety precautions should I take during a mini tornado?

A: During a mini tornado, it is best to stay indoors, away from windows, and seek shelter in a safe place such as a basement or interior room. In the event of severe damage, you should also be prepared to evacuate.