🤔 How to Play Keno in Tasmania: 📖 An Easy Guide for Beginners 🆕

Siste oppdatering: December 11, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Playing Keno in Tasmania

Are you a keno fan looking for a fun night out in Tasmania? Then playing keno is your perfect choice. Tasmania has a rich history and culture, and keno has been part of that for many years. Whether you’re a local or visiting, you won’t be disappointed in the number of keno options available. To help you get started, we’ve put together this guide on everything you need to know about playing keno in Tasmania. You’ll learn just how easy it is to start playing, the rules of the game, and where to find the best keno halls.

Keno Basics

Keno is a game of chance that can be played at any casino or gaming hall. Players draw numbered balls from a hopper, called Ping Pong Balls, and choose a selection of numbers on a Keno card. If a player gets all of his/her numbers chosen, he/she wins the pot. Keno is often compared to bingo, lottery, and other lotto-style games.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Keno A game of chance where players select numbered balls from a hopper and match them to their keno card.
Ping Pong Balls A device used to randomly select numbered balls in keno.
Keno Card A card with numbered squares used to play keno.
Pot A prize given to players who match all of their selected numbers.

Playing Keno in Tasmania

Playing keno in Tasmania is easier than ever before. Here are a few steps on how to get started:

  • Find a keno lounge. Tasmania offers plenty of gaming lounges with keno tables.
  • Choose your numbers. Standard keno cards have 80 numbers. Choose up to 10 numbers.
  • Place your bet. Depending on how many numbers you select, the cost of your bet will vary.
  • Wait for the draw. The draw is the process in which the Ping Pong Balls are released and the numbers drawn.
  • Collect your prize. If you match all of your numbers, you will get a share of the pot.

So now that you know the basics of playing keno in Tasmania, all that’s left is to go out and find a keno lounge! Good luck!

What is Keno TAS?

Keno TAS is one of Australia’s most popular lottery games. It is operated by the Tasmanian Lotteries, a corporation formed in 1987 and owned by the Government of Tasmania. The game has been available since 1998, and is played twice daily in Tasmania’s pub and clubs.Tasmanian Lotteries describes keno as “a fun way to win big prizes, with draws twice daily and jackpots up to $1 million”. It’s an easy game to play – players pick between two and 10 numbers from a total pool of 80, and then wait for the draw to see if their numbers are selected.

How to Play Keno TAS

Keno TAS is a simple game to play. Here is a step-by-step guide to playing the game:

  • Choose between two and 10 numbers from a total pool of 80
  • Pick the number of rounds you would like to buy (each round costs $1)
  • Select the ‘Total amount’ to wager
  • Select ‘Add to Cart’
  • Select ‘Checkout’
  • Wait for the draw to see if your numbers are selected

Players can also choose from a range of ‘multi-draw’ tickets, which allow them to purchase multiple games at once. Multi-draw tickets are available in 4, 8, 12, 20 and 40 draw options, and can be purchased up to seven days in advance.

Prizes and Odds of Winning

Keno TAS has a range of different prize tiers, with the top prize being a $1 million jackpot. The odds of winning any of the prizes are listed below:

  • 2 correct numbers: 1 in 6.91
  • 3 correct numbers: 1 in 117.19
  • 4 correct numbers: 1 in 1,232.8
  • 5 correct numbers: 1 in 10,757.7
  • 6 correct numbers: 1 in 160,920.95
  • 7 correct numbers: 1 in 2,328,539.2
  • 8 correct numbers: 1 in 30,133,033
  • 9 correct numbers: 1 in 386,171,959
  • 10 correct numbers: 1 in 4,588,902,777

The odds of winning the jackpot are one in 4,588,902,777.

Where to Play Keno TAS

Keno TAS games are played twice daily in pubs and clubs throughout Tasmania. Players can buy tickets over-the-counter or via self-service terminals at participating venues. And since September 2020, Tasmanian Lotteries has allowed players to buy tickets online using the ‘Lottogo’ app.

Responsible Gambling Practices

Tasmanian Lotteries advises all players to gamble responsibly and exercise caution when playing Keno TAS. The organisation recommends setting a budget and sticking to it, and recommends never chasing losses. They also provide advice and information for problem gamblers, and encourage players to seek help if they feel that their gambling habits are becoming problematic.


Keno TAS is a popular lottery game in the Australian state of Tasmania. It’s a simple game to play, with players choosing between two and 10 numbers from a total pool of 80. There are a range of different prize tiers, with a top prize of $1 million. The odds of winning any of the prizes vary, with the odds of the jackpot being one in 4,588,902,777. Keno games are played twice daily in pubs and clubs throughout Tasmania, and can also be purchased online. Tasmanian Lotteries encourages players to engage in responsible gambling practices.


  1. Tasmanian Lotteries. “Keno”. Accessed May 2021.
  2. Responsible Gambling Council Australia. “Strategies for Responsible Gambling”. Accessed May 2021.