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Siste oppdatering: December 11, 2023

Jackpot Slots Online: A Gambling Guide to Winning Big Money

Are you looking for the thrill of potentially winning a big jackpot? Then, jackpot slots online could be just the thing for you! With jackpot slots, you have the potential to win large amounts – sometimes millions of dollars! But with so many different types of online jackpot slots available, it can be hard to know which are the best games for you. Our guide has all the information you need about jackpot slots including the different types of slots, how to gamble responsibly and more. Read on for a comprehensive overview of this exciting gambling game.

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Types of Jackpot Slots Online

When playing jackpot slots online, there are a few key types that you should be mindful of:

  • Progressive Jackpots: Progressive jackpots increase over time until a certain person wins the entire jackpot. The size of the pot is determined by how many people are playing the same slot.
  • Local Jackpots: Local jackpots are only accessible to players who are using the same casino platform. This means that the jackpots will stay the same and won’t grow as quickly as the progressive jackpots.
  • Fixed Jackpots: Fixed jackpots remain at the same amount no matter how many people play the slot machine.

How to Win at Jackpot Slots

If you’re looking to win big money playing jackpot slots online, here a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Only play when you’re in the right frame of mind. Don’t play if you’re tired or feeling emotional.
  2. Do your research. Not all jackpots are created equal. Compare and contrast different jackpot slots online to find the ones with the biggest rewards.
  3. Set a budget and stick to it. Don’t spend more than you can afford each month.
  4. Look out for bonus offers and promotions. Many casinos offer special bonuses and promotions aimed at jackpot slots players.

With these tips in hand, you’re ready to start playing jackpot slots and potentially earn big money! Good luck!

What Are Online Jackpots?

Online jackpots are a great way to win big on the slots. A jackpot is defined as any slot that allows players to win a large prize, usually in excess of 1,000 coins, and often much more.

The jackpot amount for a particular game will vary from one online casino to another, and may even vary depending on which casino game(s) you are playing. In some cases, the jackpot prize itself may be randomly determined, meaning you may not know exactly what you can win when spinning the reels.

Types of Online Jackpots

There are four main types of online jackpots: fixed jackpots, progressive jackpots, pooled jackpots and random jackpots.

Fixed Jackpots: Fixed jackpots are those that remain at a pre-determined amount throughout the duration of the game. The prize is typically won when a certain combination of symbols appears on the reels.

Progressive Jackpots: Progressive jackpots are those that increase over time until they are won. As players continue to wager on the game, the jackpot size increases until it is finally won.

Pooled Jackpots: Pooled jackpots involve the linking of multiple online casinos or individual players. A portion of each bet placed into a particular pool contributes to the prize pool. When a certain combination of symbols appears, the pooled prize can be won.

Random Jackpots: Random jackpots are those that are randomly awarded to a lucky winner. These types of jackpots tend to have smaller prizes but do not require a specific combination of symbols or other conditions to be met in order to win.

Tips For Playing Jackpot Slots

  • Set a budget: Before you start playing, make sure you know how much money you can afford to spend. Don’t exceed your limit or you could find yourself in financial difficulty.
  • Choose a game with an appropriate jackpot size: You should pick a game that has a jackpot size that fits your budget. If you’re looking for smaller, more frequent wins then choose a slots game with a lower jackpot size.
  • Know when to quit: If you hit a jackpot, it’s recommended to quit while you’re ahead. Continuing to play can be addictive and can quickly lead to you exceeding your budget.


Playing online jackpots can be both fun and rewarding, but only if you play responsibly. Make sure to set a limit for yourself and stick to it, so you can enjoy playing without going over budget. Remember to do your research and understand the different types of jackpots before you begin playing.

Jackpot slots can offer huge rewards, so if you’re looking for an exciting gaming experience, then playing these types of games could be right up your street.


  1. AusVegas, 2020. Jackpot Slots: A Guide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2020].
  2. BestOnlineCasinos.com, 2020. Online Jackpot Slots – Play for Free or Real Money. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2020].